
Surrogate Mothers: Surrogacy’s Superheros

Here, we look at the profound emotional and physiological costs borne by surrogate mothers. We understand what they are, their motivations, and how intended parents can find the perfect surrogate through World Center of Baby.

Exploring Surrogate Mothers

For years, surrogacy has become a ray of hope for couples experiencing fertility challenges. While we celebrate the joy of a fruitful surrogacy process, we often overlook one of the principal characters in a surrogacy story: surrogate mothers. These individuals are embodiments of selflessness as they choose to carry a child for someone else—giving them a chance to nurture the gift of life. Whether moved by empathy or money, surrogates or gestational carriers undergo rigorous medical procedures, emotional and physiological transformations, and a deep connection with the intended parents.

This is why we at WCOB go through careful consideration and guidance to get the intended parents the appropriate surrogate. We understand that getting the right surrogate is as important as the surrogacy process.

What is a Surrogate Mother?

Also known as a gestational carrier, a surrogate is a person who willingly and compassionately helps intended parents realize their dream of parenthood by carrying a child for them. Usually, there are two types of surrogate mothers: traditional and gestational surrogate mothers. A traditional surrogate mother has genetic connections to the child since her eggs are used for conception. However, a gestational surrogate mother has no genetic ties to the child. She embodies the real sense of the term “gestational carrier” since she only carries in her womb the embryo created through in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

What Motivates a Surrogate Mother?

Surrogate mothers indeed get paid for their services. However, we’ve heard from a lot of our surrogates that their motivation for being surrogate mothers goes beyond financial gains. Some are moved by compassion and empathy, while others feel a sense of fulfillment when carrying a baby for the intended parents.

  • Compassion and Empathy: Many gestational carriers feel a deep sense of compassion and empathy for couples challenged by infertility. Thus, their decision to embark on a rigorous surrogacy journey is driven by their desire to help these couples experience the joys of parenthood.

  • Personal Fulfillment: Carrying a child for a couple is a fulfilling experience for some surrogate mothers. The act of giving the gift of life showers them with satisfaction. Others even love the process of pregnancy itself. For instance, there is Carole Horlock, a woman who has birthed fourteen children for other families simply because she loves being pregnant.

Cost of a Surrogate Mother

Before delving into this subject, it is necessary to note that we cannot peg a specific financial cost to a surrogate mother since this varies from country to country. Also, we cannot analyze the surrogacy program in every country, hence, you will need to consult us so that our team of professionals can select the appropriate program for you.

So how much does a surrogate mother make? The cost ranges between $90,000 and $130,000, although it can be higher or lower depending on the dynamics of the process. For instance, the cost of hiring a surrogate mother in California is slightly higher because of the high demand. In Texas, however, gestational carriers receive an average of $30,000. Experienced carriers can receive more.

The Surrogate Mother Process

The process of being a surrogate mother is a multifaceted and intricate journey marked by various stages involving careful planning, medical procedures, legal considerations, and emotional nuances. It starts with a screening process for both the surrogate and intended parents, ensuring physical and emotional well-being and compatibility.

The process then concludes with the birth of the child, where legal procedures ensure the seamless transfer of custody to the intended parents. Therefore, the surrogate mother process is an emotional journey of medical advancements, legal diligence, and emotional connections leading to the fulfillment of the intended parents’ dream of building a family.

How to Find a Surrogate Mother

Given the emotional, physical, and legal implications of surrogacy, finding a surrogate is a serious business at WCOB. We take intended parents through a 7-step process to find the perfect surrogate mother.

Search and Consult
Choose the Right Agency
Understand the Legal Dynamics
Matching Process
Go for Medical Excellence
Emotional Support
A Global Reach
Search and Consult
The surrogacy journey of intended parents should begin with a foundation of thorough research and professional guidance. As a recognized leader in the surrogacy industry, World Center of Baby (WCOB) offers personalized consultations to help you navigate the intricacies of the process. From initial inquiries to understanding the overall surrogacy landscape, we set the stage for a well-informed and confident start.
Choose the Right Agency
Choosing the right surrogacy agency is paramount in determining the success and satisfaction of the entire process. WCOB stands out as the optimal choice for intended parents. We are backed by a proven track record, glowing client testimonials, and transparent processes. Choosing WCOB means choosing a supportive and reliable partner for and on your surrogacy journey.
Understand the Legal Dynamics
Navigating the legal aspects of surrogacy demands precision and expertise. WCOB provides a dedicated legal team to guide clients through surrogacy’s intricate legal landscape. This commitment ensures compliance with all legal requirements, granting intended parents peace of mind throughout the entire process.
Matching Process
WCOB excels at the meticulous matching of intended parents with surrogate mothers. We employ a thorough matching process to ensure compatibility between the parties involved. By focusing on detailed assessments, we facilitate connections that contribute to a harmonious and rewarding surrogacy experience.
Go for Medical Excellence
Partnering with reputable medical facilities is key to a successful surrogacy journey. WCOB maintains a network of top-rated surrogacy clinics globally, prioritizing the health and well-being of all parties involved. This commitment to medical excellence ensures a safe and supportive environment for both surrogate mothers and intended parents throughout the medical process.
Emotional Support
WCOB recognizes surrogacy as an emotionally charged process. Therefore, our services go beyond the medical and legal aspects; we provide emotional support and counseling to intended parents throughout the entire journey. Our compassionate approach ensures that emotional well-being is a priority at every step.
A Global Reach
WCOB considers the global landscape of surrogacy options as this is crucial for intended parents seeking the ideal destination. Our worldwide reach enables clients to explore an array of surrogacy destinations, aligning with individual preferences and legal considerations.
1 1-2 months
22-3 months
31-3 months
46-9 months
59-12 months

Screening the Surrogate

At World Center Of Baby, we take concrete steps to ensure we screen and get the perfect surrogate for you. The screening process includes a preliminary assessment of the surrogate, social work screening, and psychological evaluation.

Surrogate Preliminary Assessment

Our Preliminary Assessment Team, comprised of experienced surrogates, engages with each applicant to review and discuss the information provided in her application. The team seeks clarification from the applicant, addresses the applicant’s inquiries, and ensures a comprehensive understanding of her responses.

During this assessment, the team collects essential information such as health and pregnancy history, criminal and financial records, insurance information, and medical records. If the applicant meets the criteria, she proceeds to the second stage of the process.

Social Work Screening

Our licensed social workers are responsible for screening and supporting surrogates. This team of social workers guides women through their journeys and assesses their suitability for surrogacy. They query the applicant’s motivation for surrogacy, pregnancy history, family and interpersonal relationships, hobbies and life experiences, support network, expectations and preferences as a surrogate.

Psychological Evaluation

The final step of the screening process is the psychological assessment of the surrogate. The test screens for psychological/psychiatric issues and assesses the overall psychological functioning of the applicant.

Wrapping Up

Surrogate mothers are a testament to the beauty of the human spirit and the lengths one can go to help others experience the joy of parenthood. As medical technology advances and societal attitudes evolve, surrogacy continues to be a pathway for many hopeful families.

Moreso, we at WCOB will continue to be that veritable platform for surrogate mothers to display the empathy and compassion of the human spirit; a hub where intended parents can birth the tangibility of their desires.

Boasting a remarkable 75% success rate, our surrogate motherhood program stands as a testament to excellence. We take pride in our ability to facilitate the profound journey of surrogacy with unparalleled success. Our commitment to achieving such high success rates reflects our unwavering dedication to the well-being and fulfillment of all involved parties.
With a large donor base, we ensure finding the most suitable donor for your family, and it grows every day. Our expansive pool of donors enables us to match you with the perfect fit, enhancing your journey towards parenthood with each passing day
Trust is paramount to us. With a substantial number of people already placing their trust in our services, you can find testimonials both on our platforms and third-party resources validating this trust. Our reputation is built on the confidence our clients have in us, reflected through their experiences shared across various channels.
At our agency, we pride ourselves on having our own clinics and dedicated team of doctors, a distinction not every agency can claim. This serves as a significant advantage and your assurance that everything will proceed smoothly. With our in-house medical expertise, we ensure comprehensive care and seamless coordination throughout your journey.
Our advantages
As a full-service agency, we alleviate all your concerns regarding the entire process, considering the aforementioned factors. Trust our expertise and anticipate the best outcome. With us, you can rest assured that every aspect of your journey is expertly managed, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.
With our loyal payment options, we recognize that not everyone can afford the full sum upfront. Our goal is to make parenthood achievable for all, which is why we've crafted a variety of flexible payment plans. These options are designed to bring you closer to your dream of becoming a parent, ensuring financial accessibility without compromising on quality.
At our service, we offer the best quality at the best price. With a deep understanding of the market, we believe our balance between cost and quality surpasses current market offerings, ensuring value and excellence. We stand as the guarantor of this commitment, providing you with unparalleled satisfaction.
The legal aspect is paramount in our services, and we understand its critical importance. With the best legal minds on our team, we can address all inquiries regarding the programs in target countries as well as specific legal matters in your own country. Our expert lawyers ensure compliance and provide comprehensive guidance, offering you peace of mind throughout the process.
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Olga Pysana
Intended Parent Partner
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