
What Is A Healthcare Surrogate: How Can It Be Useful In Practice?

Olga Pysana
December 11 2022

They are responsible for making medical decisions on behalf of an individual who is unable to make those choices. If you have any instructions that you wish to be carried out once you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself, your surrogate will follow them as instructed. 

A durable power of attorney is a legal document that grants someone you trust the right to manage your affairs and conduct business on your behalf. This may include managing bills, collecting benefits or taxes owed to you among other duties. This could include paying your bills, conducting banking and applying for benefits. But much of this can't be done without a comprehensive power of attorney.

A Health Care Surrogate Designation lets you choose a person who can make medical decisions for you. Since 2015, this person may act whether or not you have capacity, if the document specifically gives that immediate power. If you have decision-making capacity, your decisions will always take precedence over the surrogate's. The person with legal authority can withdraw or withhold treatment at any time if it is medically inadvisable to continue. Health Care Surrogate Designations usually provide for the release of private medical information.

What Is A Health Surrogate: Why Do I Need It? 

It is important for us to understand what is a healthcare surrogate? All adults should appoint a health care surrogate because life is unpredictable. While we hope you will never need medical attention in an emergency, accidents can happen to anyone at any time. If you lose the ability to make important medical decisions, your health care surrogate will be able to step in and act on your behalf.

If you don't designate a healthcare surrogate and end up requiring someone to make decisions about your medical treatment, the State of Florida supplies a list of people who will be designated by default. The first person on this list acts as your proxy—if he or she is unable or unwilling to serve in that capacity--and then continuing down the line:

  • A court-appointed guardian (if you have one)
  • Your spouse
  • Your adult child or children
  • Your parent or parents
  • Your adult sibling or siblings
  • A close relative who has exhibited special care/concern for you and has maintained regular contact
  • A close friend
  • A clinical social worker

The list may be in line with your wishes and was created to supply a good method of picking the right person, but other methods might suit some people better. If, for example, you are trying to get your two parents or children to agree on something, it may prove difficult. And the person who gets their vote is not necessarily someone whose thoughts line up with yours.

To minimize confusion and to increase the likelihood that a person’s wishes will be carried out, every adult should designate a healthcare surrogate.

What Is A Medical Surrogate: How Do I Choose a Reliable Person As My Healthcare Surrogate? 

Let's fix the question -  what is a healthcare surrogate? When you think about who should be the person to make important healthcare decisions for you in case of an emergency, consider these factors.

Does this person have good decision-making skills? Can he or she handle pressure well? Is this person easily led by others or does s/he speak for himself or herself when needed to address an issue? Next, consider whether you want someone close by who can be physically present during decision-making or if a distant surrogate will suffice. You may choose to appoint a surrogate whose religious and/or medical beliefs are similar to yours. It is difficult for someone to implement directives that go against his or her own beliefs.That's why it's important to understand what is a health surrogate.

What is the designation of health care surrogate? 

So, once again what is the designation of health care surrogate.There are many instances in which someone might not be given the chance to appoint a power of attorney: sudden accidents or injuries, such as being hurt on the job or being involved in an automobile accident. If you have not appointed a power of attorney, complications can arise during the decision-making process for your medical treatment. A health care surrogate may be needed to step in and help. If you can prove that your spouse is married to the victim, they may be authorized to make medical decisions on behalf of the patient. It is important to figure out what the designation of health care surrogate.

Health care surrogates are usually given the authority to make decisions on behalf of their charges in a few key areas, including:

  • Giving consent to treatment, deciding on a course of medical treatment for yourself;
  • Agreeing to having one’s organs used for transplantation;
  • Requesting government assistance to help pay for health care;
  • Being admitted to a hospital, hospice or nursing care facility;
  • For example, someone could grant the power of attorney form authorizing a health care surrogate to make decisions on his or her behalf—but not include authorization for blood transfusions if those are against the person’s religious beliefs. The health care surrogate should be given as much responsibility or authority by the grantor as he or she feels is appropriate.

Hopefully, we were able to explain what a healthcare surrogate is.

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