
What Does Gestational Surrogate Mean?

Olga Pysana
August 12 2022

In the world of assisted reproductive technologies, there are so many various directions, so it often becomes hard for the intended parents to make their final choice of surrogacy service. Not a long time ago there was no other option apart from traditional surrogacy, but nowadays the growing popularity receives a gestational type of surrogacy.


What does gestational surrogate mean and how does gestational surrogacy differ from other types of surrogacy? Let’s find out in this blog post.

What is a Gestational Surrogate? Key Requirements

A gestational surrogate or more commonly said gestational carrier is a healthy willing female that acts like a matchmaker between IPs’ dream of having a child and its successful realization. The most important thing to mention is that a gestational surrogate has no biological or genetic link to the baby she carries. 

Without any doubt, there are certain qualifications that potential candidates should have in order to be approved for a surrogacy program. Here is the list of the average requirements:

  • Females between the ages of 21-39;
  • Have had at least one healthy pregnancy and child delivery;
  • Have a normal Body Mass Index without obesity or extreme slimness preconditions;
  • Maintain financial stability;
  • Strict refusal of alcohol, smoking, and drug usage.

Besides, all gestational carriers have to pass a series of background, physical and psychological screenings to ensure that they are indeed fit to deliver a healthy baby without any complications.

What is a Gestational Surrogaсy and Other 3 Types of Surrogacy?

As we briefly explained before, the key feature of gestational surrogacy lies in the absence of a biological connection between the surrogate and a baby. In gestational surrogacy, IPs’ own eggs/sperm are used for the IVF cycle and the resulting embryo is implanted into the gestational carrier’s uterus. If the couple is infertile or has other conditions that restrict their own biomaterial usage, they may always refer to an egg/sperm donor inside the walls of a chosen fertility clinic.

Despite the growing tendency to opt for gestational surrogacy, there are 3 other surrogacy types that are worth mentioning. The first one and with the longest history is obviously traditional surrogacy, which is a completely opposite type to gestational surrogacy. That said, in traditional surrogacy, the woman (a surrogate mother) gets pregnant by means of intrauterine insemination (IUI). This procedure presupposes embryo creation using the intended father’s sperm and surrogate’s eggs. As an outcome, the future baby will be biologically linked to the surrogate mother, not to an intended one.

If the previous two surrogacy types were circulating around the issue of genetic connection, commercial and altruistic surrogacy touch upon the matter of surrogate compensation. So, in the case of commercial surrogacy, the surrogate mother will receive a fair payment for her services apart from the medical expenses during the pregnancy. On the contrary, in altruistic surrogacy, there’s no room for additional financial compensation for a surrogate, and her decision to carry a baby for intended parents is perceived as a voluntary act of compassion.

It’s purely your responsibility which type of surrogacy to pursue, but you can always refer to a proven surrogacy agency and ask for a piece of advice and proper guidance on this risky question.

What is Gestational Surrogate Mean: Final Thoughts

We at World Center of Baby offer a range of comfortable surrogacy programs with a gestational carrier involvement since we value our IPs’ heartfelt wish to receive a child, biologically linked to them. What is a gestational surrogacy? For us, it’s like a helpful bridge that safely and successfully leads intended parents to the ideal picture of their growing family.

If you are ready to embark on your surrogacy journey, please visit our website, fill out a brief form and get in touch with our coordinator for more details.

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