
What do you need to know about gestational surrogacy?

Olga Pysana
August 11 2022

Gestational surrogacy is the type of surrogacy in which the surrogate mother is not related to the baby she is carrying. It is the most common type, which the intended parents choose today. It helps IP’s to get the genetic link with the baby, and for this type of surrogacy legal processes are straightforward – commonly, the parentage of the intended parents is The popularity of this method increases among couples and individuals and helps to build a thousand families.

Who choose gestational surrogacy?

People who struggle with infertility

Same-sex couples

Single individuals that want to become a parent

People who don’t want the surrogate to have a genetic connection with the baby

People who cannot carry the pregnancy to term

What are the benefits of gestational surrogacy?

The child is not related to the surrogate. The gestational carrier, the other name of the surrogate, only carries the baby and has no genetic link with the baby and no parental rights

Easy to find a surrogate. Surrogate mothers prefer the gestational surrogacy process (instead of the traditional one), so the base of the surrogates is vast, and the intended parents don’t need to stay in line.

The legal procedures are simple. Commonly, after the baby is born, the intended parents don’t need to go through additional legal processes – a parentage is established by the pre-order or the contract.

Both intended parents can have a genetic connection with a baby.

Options of gestational surrogacy

Intended parent egg + intended parent sperm

Donor egg +
intended parent sperm
Donor egg +
donor sperm
How does gestational surrogacy work?
In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother is getting pregnant through a procedure that is called In-Vitro fertilization.

To create the embryo, specialists use the intended parents’ egg and sperm or use the donor one’s. It means that the baby has any genetic link to the surrogate.  

An embryo is created in the laboratory and then is transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. Before the transfer procedure, the surrogate needs to take the hormonal medication for 2-4 weeks to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. The transfer process is painless and doesn’t require anesthesia – the embryo is transferred through the catheter.

Gestational surrogacy step-by-step
The WCOB team is ready to help you to begin the surrogacy journey. Fill the form and get the consultation – it is free.

The details confirmation
Our managers will help you to collect all the needed documentation, medical history details, and personal wishes

Finding a surrogate mother
The main requirements of the process – the same views on selective reproduction and abortion. Pay attention to the personal match with the surrogate.

Medical evaluation of the intended parents
At this stage, the IP’s undergo the medical check to understand if they can be the egg and sperm donors.

Embryo culture preparation
Our best embryologists cultivate embryos and make PGD/PGS testing. The testing identifies healthy embryos selected for transfer and helps to find abnormal embryos that can’t be transferred.

Medical tests and medication for the surrogate
Before the embryo transfer, the surrogate mother needs to take the hormonal pills to prepare the uterus for pregnancy.

Embryo transfer
The doctors transfer the embryo through the catheter. The procedure doesn’t require anesthesia – it is painless.

Pregnancy confirmation
Intended parents get the information about the result two weeks after the transfer.

Monthly reports
During the surrogate pregnancy, the intended parents receive medical evaluation reports, which contain ultrasound pictures, and test results (including alcohol, smoking, and drug tests).

Childbirth day
The intended parents arrive in the country to see their baby from the first moments of its life. Our team provides all levels of support: manager accommodation, translation, and legal service

Birth certificate getting
After the baby is born, the intended parents get the full parentage. And the baby is getting a citizenship. It depends on a country, but commonly it’s the same citizenship that intended parents have.

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