
Subrogación en Georgia

Georgia, a thriving hub for medical tourism, attracts visitors from Western nations and the USA for surrogacy programs. Key benefits of surrogacy in Georgia, Europe include low surrogacy costs, favorable laws allowing unlimited number of times a woman can be a surrogate, and proximity to countries with surrogacy bans. Combining medical tours with leisure trips is feasible due to Georgia's scenic beauty and modern amenities. Renowned for its hospitality, Georgia offers top-notch infertility treatments in state-of-the-art facilities.

It is on this solid surrogacy foundation that World Center of Baby offers tailored surrogacy programs ensuring legal compliance and personalized care for intended parents seeking a guaranteed path to parenthood in Georgia. 

But recently, the country has moved to ban surrogacy for foreigners starting from January 1 2024. Breaking the law will be a criminal offense. 

Surrogacy Cost in Georgia

Surrogacy cost in Georgia is between $55,000 and $70,000. Here's a breakdown of the cost:

- Agency Fees: Surrogacy agencies facilitate the matching process and provide legal guidance, typically charging fees for their services.

- Surrogate Compensation: Surrogates receive compensation for their invaluable contribution, ranging from $25,000 to $35,000 on average.

- Legal and Administrative Costs: Covering legal agreements and paperwork, these expenses are essential for formalizing the surrogacy arrangement.

- Medical Expenses: Fertility treatments, prenatal care, and delivery costs are significant factors, necessitating comprehensive medical insurance and budgeting for potential complications.

- Egg Donor Costs: Additional expenses may arise if an egg donor is required, varying based on donor attributes.

- IVF Costs: Involving egg retrieval, fertilization, and implantation, IVF expenses vary depending on the clinic and treatment specifics.

- Miscellaneous Costs: Unexpected expenses like travel, accommodation, and insurance should be accounted for, emphasizing the importance of financial preparedness throughout the surrogacy journey.

Surrogacy Agency in Georgia

Like in other countries, surrogacy agencies in Georgia play a key role in facilitating the surrogacy process for intended parents. They provide crucial services such as matching intended parents with surrogate mothers, navigating legal complexities, and coordinating medical procedures. 

As a foremost surrogacy agency in Georgia, the World Center of Baby (WCOB) distinguishes itself with a proven track record, transparent procedures, and unwavering dedication to client contentment. We prioritize personalized assistance and thorough support throughout the surrogacy process. Intended parents in Georgia can rest assured that they can realize their dream of building a family with confidence. 

Surrogacy Laws in Georgia

Before the current legislation on international surrogacy, there were no surrogacy laws in Georgia. However, the absence of legislation didn't hinder the surrogacy process. 

Also, Georgia had a surrogacy-friendly environment despite the absence of dedicated laws. The state's legal system recognized surrogacy agreements as enforceable contracts, simplifying the process compared to states with stricter regulations. As long as both parties consented, Georgia provided a legal framework for surrogacy, showcasing that supportive surrogacy environments can exist without specific legislation.

However, with the new ban on international surrogacy, intended parents should expect a shift in the regulatory framework of surrogacy in Georgia.

Surrogate Mothers in Georgia

Surrogate mothers in Georgia have to meet specific qualifications outlined by state surrogacy laws.

Firstly, eligible candidates must be females aged between 21 and 41 years old. Secondly, they must meet predetermined health criteria to qualify as surrogate candidates and be effectively matched with intended parents.

As mentioned earlier, surrogate mothers are duly compensated and receive comprehensive care throughout the pregnancy.

Given Georgia's legal endorsement of gestational surrogacy exclusively, intended parents can rest assured that there will be no biological or genetic ties between the surrogate and the baby. Furthermore, surrogacy laws safeguard against any legal or maternal claims from the surrogate mother post-delivery.

Also, egg and sperm donors undergo rigorous selection processes, ensuring the utmost compatibility for intended parents in realizing their dream of expanding their family.

Finding a Surrogate Mother in Georgia

Like we do in other countries, WCOB offers intended parents in Georgia a comprehensive 7-step process for selecting a surrogate mother, ensuring they find a suitable match. The steps include:

  1. Personalized Consultation and Guidance: We offer individualized consultations and support from WCOB to help intended parents navigate the complexities of the surrogacy process effectively. 
  2. Optimal Agency Selection: WCOB stands out as the ideal choice for intended parents in Georgia, providing a proven track record, transparent processes, and positive client feedback. 
  3. Legal Expertise and Compliance: With a deep understanding of Georgia's surrogacy legal framework, WCOB offers dedicated legal support to ensure that all aspects of the surrogacy process adhere to the state's regulations.
  4. Precise Matching Process: WCOB excels in the careful and meticulous matching of intended parents with surrogate mothers, taking into consideration the specific preferences and expectations of both parties to ensure a harmonious and successful surrogacy journey.
  5. Pursuit of Medical Excellence: Intended parents can trust WCOB to collaborate with top surrogacy clinics in Georgia and beyond, ensuring access to the highest quality medical care and expertise throughout the surrogacy process.
  6. Comprehensive Emotional Support: Recognizing the emotional challenges inherent in the surrogacy journey, WCOB provides ongoing emotional support and counseling to both intended parents and surrogates, ensuring that they navigate the process with resilience and positivity.
  7. Worldwide Surrogacy Network: WCOB's global network enables intended parents in Georgia to explore alternative surrogacy destinations if they wish to consider options outside of the country. 

What Next?

Despite its recent legislation, Georgia has emerged as a top destination for those in search of surrogacy solutions. Boasting a robust legal framework, affordability, and impressive success rates, Georgia provides a welcoming atmosphere for intended parents worldwide. The incorporation of cutting-edge technologies, individualized assistance, and stringent regulations ensures a seamless journey towards parenthood.

While navigating legal complexities may present challenges, the expertise offered by WCOB proves invaluable for intended parents striving to realize their dreams of building a family expansion. 

So are you an intended parent? Why not visit our website today. We promise to bring your dreams to life.

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Olga Pysana
Intended Parent Partner
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